acordo com os dados da organização não governamental OXFAM –
América, publicado em Maio de 2016, a grande maioria dos 250.000
trabalhadores dos aviários dos Estados Unidos, são submetidos a
condições de trabalho próprias do século XIX, sendo obrigados a
urinar e a defecar na linha de trabalho “ Workers urinate and
defecate while give you a break. standing on the line; they wear
diapers to work; they restrict intake of liquids and fluids to
dangerous degrees; they endure pain and discomfort while they worry
about their health and job security.” (aqui)
mais de 100.000 deles nas grandes empresas multinacionais que
controlam quase 60% do mercado mundial, Tyson Foods, Pilgrim’s,
Perdue, and Sanderson Farms, lutam para sustentar as famílias face aos baixos salários que auferem e aos escassos benefícios que usufruem. São submetidos a condições
de trabalho inseguras, e não tem qualquer voz no mundo do trabalho. Muitos são refugiados, imigrantes, pertencem a
minorias énticas e alguns deles são mesmo reclusos de
estabelecimentos prisionais. Ao mesmo a indústria aviária apresenta lucros e uma expansão nunca vista“ the fastest growing and most quickly changing segment of a highly
globalized livestock industry. By 2020, 124 million tonnes of poultry
will be produced globally – an increase of 25 percent in just 10
years”. (aqui)
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a usar fraldas durante o trabalho “ Although they are reluctant to talk about it, workers from across the country report that they and their coworkers have made the uncomfortable decision to wear adult diapers to work. Not only do the diapers absorb accidents, they provide a degree of protection from the danger of asking permission to leave the line. Many workers are afraid of being mocked, punished,or fired. Betty, who works at a Tyson plant in Arkansas, says that on her own line, two people regularly wear diapers. One woman does so,Betty says, “because she can’t go to the bathroom when she needs to because they don’t let her.” Marta, from a Pilgrim’s plantin Texas, also reports that people in her plant wear diapers to work.” os trabalhadores dos aviários americanos processam
anualmente 8.5 milhões de aves por ano.
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da sua posição na linha de trabalho, cada trabalhador processa
cerca de 35 a 45 aves por minuto, repetindo a mesma tarefa a cada 2
segundos, processando 2.000 aves por hora e 14.000 por dia, de acordo
com a o estudo “Lives on the Line” “ a
conservative estimate is that the average worker repeats forceful
motions—cutting, pulling, slicing—over 20,000 times per day.”
Resultante deste trabalho repetitivo, submetidos a constantes
pressões, os trabalhadores dos aviários americanos sofrem 5 vezes
mais acidentes que os outros trabalhadores, 7 vezes mais sindromes do
canal cárpico e muitas outras lesões osteo articulares (aqui):
- pain in hands, swelling, numbness, loss of grip;
- carpal tunnel syndrome and tendinitis;
- claw hand" (injured fingers lock in a curled position);
- ganglionic cysts (fluid deposits under the skin);
- trigger finger (a finger gets stuck in a bent position, and straightens with a snap—like a trigger being pulled and released);
the real value of poultry workers’ wages has dropped to poverty
level, compensation for executives has skyrocketed. The CEO of
Pilgrim’s earned over $9 million in 2014.In just five hours, he
earned the annual salary of a line worker."
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