hoje dia 12.12.2019 o Universal Health Coverage Day,
2019, assinalando o dia 12 de Dezembro de 2012, data em que as Nações
Unidas aprovaram por unanimidade uma resolução pedindo que todos os
países forneçam cuidados de saúde acessíveis e de qualidade a
todas as pessoas e em todos os lugares.
" Recognize
that universal health coverage is fundamental for achieving the
Sustainable Development Goals related not only to health and
well-being, but also to eradicating poverty in all its forms and
dimensions, ensuring quality education, achieving gender equality and
women’s empowerment, providing decent work and economic growth,
reducing inequalities, ensuring just, peaceful and inclusive
societies and to building and fostering partnerships, while reaching
the goals and targets included throughout the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development is critical for the attainment of healthy
lives and well-being for all, with a focus on health outcomes
throughout the life course;"

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